We fight a daily war on the battlefield of our minds. In this message, we learn how to use the spiritual armament God has given us to fight our unseen enemies.

In this sermon, we studied and explained Ephesians chapter 5 and 6 (New Living Translation). The emphasis was on being filled with the Holy Spirit and how to put on the armor of God to protect and defend against the unseen forces. The following briefly details how to put on each piece of armor:

  1. Belt of truth
    Always be honest, reject falsehood
  2. Helmet of salvation
    Manage your mindset with God’s truth
  3. Breastplate of righteousness
    Don’t be self-righteous, only God is good
  4. Shield of faith
    stand on and behind the promises of God to remain safe
  5. Sword of the Spirit
    speak the word of God against the lies of the enemy
  6. Shoes of the gospel
    be motivated by the gospel and be ready to share it
  7. Cloak of zeal (Isaiah 59:17)
    be charged and energized by the Holy Spirit

Other scriptures mentioned: 1 Peter 3:1-2.

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This ministry is no longer in service. I left the Christian faith and no longer agree with some of the content posted here. However, this website will remain available for archive purposes. Read the details in my last post.