Dear readers and listeners, this is the end of this ministry Let’s Please God for a while. This ministry is being put on pause…

Dear readers and listeners, this is the end of this ministry Let’s Please God for a while. This ministry is being put on pause. There will be no new content posted on this website for a while.

I, Nealreal, the author and teacher for this service has decided to focus on my personal life and business. I will return at some point, but I don’t know when. I thank you for your prayers and donations.

However, feel free to continue to email me regarding topics on this website, but understand I’ll be busy, so response times won’t be fast. In the meantime, there are over 250 pieces of articles and sermons on this website I encourage you to explore.

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This ministry is no longer in service. I left the Christian faith and no longer agree with some of the content posted here. However, this website will remain available for archive purposes. Read the details in my last post.