Learn how to prepare to trust God, why sources dry up, why black people need God most, and more encouraging scriptures.

In this talk, we discussed the following passages:

  • Luke 10:1-9 — Jesus sends out his disciples with nothing but the gospel message and the believers provided all their physical needs in return.
  • First Kings 17:6-16 — In a famine, ravens delivered meat and bread; and later a widow met the needs of the prophet, Elijah.

What’s important to note is God often allows the source to “dry up” helping us understand that he is the real source and not that person, place or thing he was using to take care of us.

Because of the racial climate in America and other countries, black people need God the most. What happens when:

  • The dominant society stops hiring
  • Compensation for work is unfair and insufficient
  • When government assistance is cut off
  • When charities are beyond their capacity
  • When friends and family won’t support you

The answer is panic, disaster, and exploitation of some black people. The Lord is better at providing than any secular employer, nonprofit or government organization. All black people need to do is make the Kingdom of God their number one priority (Matthew 6:33).

What I’m not saying:

I’m not saying: Quit your job and start a business. Nor am I saying focus on ministry full time and neglect a job. No. Work. Paul made tents, the disciples fished, and Jesus was a carpenter in addition to their ministries.

What I’m saying is be led by the Spirit in everything you do. Ask God what to do about your job situation so that you can serve him and not be weighed down by the cares of this world.

Preparing to trust God:

  1. Become a “minimalist.” Learn to live with less.
  2. Realize this world isn’t your home, and for black people, this isn’t your land (Hebrew 13:1-14 NLT).
  3. ‎Unplug from this world. Focus on the kingdom. Do more Bible study and prayer; and less consumption of entertainment and selfish ambition.
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This ministry is no longer in service. I left the Christian faith and no longer agree with some of the content posted here. However, this website will remain available for archive purposes. Read the details in my last post.