This is for those who’ve just recently decided to believe the gospel message and follow Christ; and a reminder for those of us who’ve been following Jesus for a while.

This is for those who’ve just recently decided to believe the gospel message; and a reminder for those of us who’ve been following Jesus for a while—we can agree there are at least 5 downsides to being a follower of Christ:

  1. The requirement of self-denial.
  2. Lost of temporal life (potentially).
  3. Inner struggle with yourself and demons.
  4. Persecution from the world and false Christians.
  5. Lost of material things, relationships and social status.

Jesus said to “count the cost” if you want to continue with him (Luke 14:26-33), but I would add that, after you understand Jesus’ teachings, the downsides are just a necessary bridge to the many blessings, and the benefits far outweigh the downsides. Here are the many blessings of following Christ:

  1. Escape from hell.
  2. Eternal life in heaven.
  3. Inner joy and peace.
  4. Fellowship with like-minded people.
  5. A citizen of a righteous and holy kingdom that lasts forever.
  6. Freedom and victory over sin and the devil.
  7. Healing from emotional and spiritual wounds.
  8. An ever-growing, close relationship with Almighty God.
  9. To be a vessel used by God to save souls from everlasting darkness.
  10. Supernatural power from God (miracles, healing, wisdom and discernment).

Are there any more blessing you would add? Leave a comment.

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This ministry is no longer in service. I left the Christian faith and no longer agree with some of the content posted here. However, this website will remain available for archive purposes. Read the details in my last post.


  1. I would go as far as to say that the “costs” are illusory and a deception of the enemy. There is the apparent loss of material wealth, for example, that may come as the result of refusing to enter into business deals with unscrupulous people. But in reality, we haven’t lost anything because the money wouldn’t have been worth it anyway. Or being a follower of Christ might “cost” us opportunities for casual sex that would have been totally unfufilling and left us hollow and empty inside. It might “cost” us social status or false friends who eventually would have abandoned us. To the best of my understanding, anything that we lose for the sake of Christ was not worth keeping anyway.

    Finally, I believe that the benefits of following Christ are immediate. We won’t have a million dollars instantly appear in our bank accounts or wake up with circumstances exactly the way we would have asked for, but being in fellowship with God changes our whole experience of life immediately. Everything that we do begins to have clarity of purpose, work no longer feels like work and pain no longer feels like pain. I’m describing ideal conditions here, recognizing that we are human and that staying in full-time fellowship with God is similar to staying up on a bike. We have to build up that skill and keep strengthening it, especially when we encounter difficult weather or rocky terrain.

    Great post…thanks for sharing.

    1. Amen, Dave.

      Also, in response to his disciples after that conversation with the rich young ruler, Jesus said:

      And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or lands, for My name’s sake, shall receive a hundredfold, and inherit eternal life. (Matthew 19:29 NKJV)

    2. Agreed, Dave, and great article, Neal! When I see how the world is today, the costs of going in the other direction don’t seem too great. However, the toughest one is struggling with those inner demons. That’s a toughie! Blessings from Switzerland.