While it’s important to expose darkness, there needs to be balance. Too much focus on the enemy and not enough on Christ leaves us powerless.

If you keep looking at the devil and all his schemes, and all his ugliness, you will go crazy. I know so because I’ve done it. I used to listen to pastors who talked mostly about the devil and his tricks. While it’s important to expose darkness, there needs to be balance.

I write this because I know well-meaning pastors who make the devil and his dirty deeds the bulk of their message. These pastors talk so much about the devil that he probably tunes in just to hear about himself.

While these pastors may mean well, they end up glorifying the devil. I tended to walk away feeling very knowledgeable about the enemy, but in many circumstances seeing his schemes against me, I felt frustrated and powerless. I also noticed that these same pastors exhibited no power to stop the devil themselves. In most cases, they failed to give practical tips in dealing with Satan and his demons.

This is fruitless. Instead of spending 2.5 hours talking about what the devil is doing, there should be more talk about what the Almighty Father is doing. The more we know about Jesus and the authority given to us to combat the enemy, the more we can be in a better position to see the enemy and stop him.

Without a good portion of God, we just get overwhelmed and begin to see the devil as a undefeated opponent, when in fact, he’s already been defeated (Col 2:15).

I encourage these pastors to talk more about being filled with the Spirit, and our God given authority over devils so that we can overcome the enemy every time (Luke 10:19). Zac Poonen (a solid biblical teacher) once said:

“I used to be afraid of the devil, now I’m convinced that the devil is afraid of me!”

Ya see, God makes us strong, fearless and powerful! Knowledge only puffs us up, but love (God) edifies, strengthens and empowers us (1 Cor 8:1; 1 John 4:8). We have to keep our focus on who matters: Jesus Christ.

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This ministry is no longer in service. I left the Christian faith and no longer agree with some of the content posted here. However, this website will remain available for archive purposes. Read the details in my last post.


  1. Bless you Neil. Your comments are a breath of fresh air in a world that can really do with it.
    We, like you, have started a home church to get back to real worship.
    Zac Poonen has a bible study course on his website that is really good. He takes you through the bible without all the “baggage” you normally get.
    Another inspiration is Gospel for Asia.

    1. Hi Lee, thanks for your kind comment. I remember listening to Zac’s “Through the Bible” series. It was very informative. Your comment just reminded me that I never actually finished it. I left off at Song of Solomon. I need to download the rest 🙂

  2. Hi Neil. I know what you mean here – there really needs to be a balance. What tends to happen depends on what kind of church gathering believers get involved in – if you are truly born of the Spirit and you attend a liberal church (never speaks out against any sin whatsoever…you know all about this) then you will tend to be drawn towards speaking out against this but if you spend any amount of time in a liberal church it can actually make you so negative because your spirit becomes starved of truth that we should speak out against sin – on the other hand if you spend any amount of time in a church that only speaks out against Roman Catholics and JWs…but has nothing of the love of God then you again become starved but in the opposite direction…both can lead born again believers too far on either side of the scales – I am starting to find that true worship and fellowship is starting to happen in houses where believers can be one and one, worship and correct each other – everyone becomes accountable to each other…I think that the Lord may be preparing the church for something because many born again believers are starting to become switched on to just how false instituted churches are starting to look.

    My brother said something to me the other day – I said to him – “What will we do if someone comes to the house group from “ordained” ministry and tells us that we shouldn’t do this or that” and his response was “Pick up the bible, put it in their hand and tell them to back up what they are saying from the word of God – if they can show you in the word that we shouldn’t be doing it then we humble ourselves and accept the teaching – if they can’t show us then we tell them – in all love – that they are in error”

    God bless.

    1. Hey Colin. I believe God is about to do something and that something is to raise up his Body (church) in great power to harvest souls for the last time on this earth.

      I like your biblical response to ordained ministers who attempt to tell you what you can and can’t do — that’s the only way to respond.

      You said, “I am starting to find that true worship and fellowship is starting to happen in houses…”

      Yes, this is how it all began (as we see in the book of Acts) and how it will end. While I don’t see anything wrong with a small group meeting in a building, smaller groups can build relationships easier than large assemblies in a building, plus the cost of renting and building maintenance are little to non-existent when people just meet in a home.

      God bless.