In this sermon, we reveal ten tactics used by the narcissist Jezebel spirit to bait, trap, and abuse you.
Another Narc truth: You cannot reason with a narc, they operate in emotion. Feelings are facts. Don’t try to explain anything to them. They have to win the argument, it’s never about the truth.
Below are a few of the tactics used by narcissist Jezebel spirits to victimize their prey:
- Love bombing
- Devaluation
- Gas lighting
- Divide and conquer
- Flying monkeys
- Faux apologizing
- Word salading
- Projection
- Discard
- Smear campaign
- Hoovering
For more: Narcissism 101: A Glossary of Terms, Understanding the Madness
Remember this the next time so-called friends and family believe the lies of your narcissist abuser from a smear campaign: “Wrongdoers eagerly listen to gossip; liars pay close attention to slander” (Proverbs 17:4 NLT).
For more information on narcissism, see my Youtube playlist on the subject below:
All truth. Nail it in this series.
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