Jesus was not a white man and the Bible says it plainly. Here, we’ll examine all the scriptures that speak to his “blackness.”
Up until this point you’ve seen images of a white man that is supposed to depict Jesus. But how do we know he really looked like that? Certainly, it isn’t stated in scripture that he posed for a painting.
What if the image of a white man was just another trick of the devil to subjugate black people? What if historical research and the bible reveals the likely skin color of Jesus, and most of the people featured in the bible?
First of all, how would an image of a white man as the Son of God help in the oppression of black people? Well, if the Son of God himself is a white man, that lends to the credibility that white people are superior. If white people were praying to a “black” Jesus, that wouldn’t be consistent with white supremacy.
So with a white Jesus in place, it makes white people more comfortable in their programmed ideology of superiority, and it speaks to black people saying, “Jesus is one of us. Jesus is on our side. Jesus is like us. Obey us because we’re made in the image of God. Jesus is nothing like you.”
Not only is Jesus portrayed as a white man, but the majority of the characters in the Bible as well through various media from Sunday school coloring books, illustrated bibles, to the big screen. This leads to the black man feeling excluded, with no historical place, identity, or connection to the men and women of the Bible.
To make matters worse, the only character in the Bible depicted as a black man is an Ethiopian eunuch—a man with no testicles! So now it seems that even the Bible lends to the notion that black-skinned people are inferior (Acts 8:27-40).

Someone said, “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.” And this is so true.
Close your eyes and think of Jesus, who do you see?
A white man.
Why? It’s been programmed into us.
When Jesus is depicted as a black man, we look at the image with disdain, or with laughter like the show “Black Jesus.”
I believe that this show is targeted towards black audiences with the sole purpose of destroying any entertained, serious belief that Jesus was a black man.
With a black man wearing a straight-haired brown wig, it plants the subliminal message that Jesus could never be black—because the hair doesn’t even match. People will say, “this is a funny idea, but it would be completely ridiculous to ever believe that Jesus was a black man.”

Ancient Egypt was white?
The media continues to depict great ancient civilizations of the past as white-skinned people even though historical evidence proves otherwise. The system of white supremacy is the reason for all this. It teaches that the most significant people in the world must be white-skinned.
However, the archaeological evidence doesn’t lie. Ancient Egyptian wall paintings, hieroglyphics and sculptures clearly depict dark-skinned people with negro features (round noses, full lips), working, worshiping, ruling and doing all kinds of stuff. Yet the system of racism/white supremacy denies it.

To agree that dark-skinned people ruled this earth, were the first to invent mathematics, medicine, architecture, engineering, mining, metallurgy, navigation, astronomy, philosophy, international trade and art is a slap in the face of white supremacy. African people were the first to even visit America!
And it’s not just found in Egypt, there’s more: like the kingdoms of Israel, Nubia, Zimbabwe, Carthage, Numidia, and Axum. The evidence completely destroys white supremacy. So because of this, black accomplishments and excellence is often hidden, defaced or whitewashed.
So what does the Bible say Jesus looked like?
Now that we know there could be a motive behind painting Jesus white and that many ancient civilizations including Egypt was black, let’s review the bible for ourselves and see what we come up with.
- Joseph was unrecognizable by his brothers who sold him into slavery who ended up in Egypt. If he was a white man like depicted in illustrations and movies, he would’ve stood out among the African Egyptians ruling at that time. Joseph was a black man (Genesis 42:5-8).
- Moses was hid among the Egyptians as a child. We know the story: to save Moses life, he was put in a basket, washed across the Nile river where he was raised by an Egyptian princess whose king had issued the murder of all the male Hebrew infants. Certainly a white baby that was marked for death wouldn’t fit in with the Egyptians, yet he was raised up as one their own until Moses discovered his true heritage (Exodus 2).
- Moses’ hand is temporarily whitened with leprosy as a sign. If Moses was a white man already, this effect wouldn’t have worked. Notice how they didn’t include that scene in the film the 10 Commandments played by white Charlton Heston! This is because Moses was a brown-skinned black man (Exodus 4:6).
- Later on, Moses’ sister, Miriam get’s hit with temporary leprosy. In Numbers 12:10, it says she was white as snow. But look at the reason: because she spoke against Moses for having an Ethiopian black wife. If Moses wasn’t a black man, his wife sure was. Miriam was black, Moses was black, and his children were black (Numbers 12:1-10).
Since Moses was black, it’s most certain his Israelite brothers and sisters were black as well. Now, continuing down the line, Jesus is born out of the Israelites, of the tribe of Judah. But before we go there:
- Three female ancestors of Jesus were Hamitic (African). Listed in Matthew’s genealogy of Christ (Matthew 1:1-16), their names were Tamar and Rachab (who were Canaanites), and Bathsheba who was likely a Hittite, being the wife of Uriah the Hittite. The biblical Hittites descended from Heth, a son of Ham (Genesis 10:15; 23:10).
- To make sure it’s not mistaken Jesus was any other color, the scripture tells us that baby Jesus, Mother and Joseph fled to Egypt to escape the genocide of Herod. Once again, if they were white people, they wouldn’t have blended in with the dark-skinned Egyptians. Therefore, baby Jesus, Mary and Joseph were likely black people (Matt 2:13).
- And when you line up the plight of so called negro/black people today in America, and around the world, it aligns perfectly with the curses of Deut 28. If the Israelites are black today, then the Savior was black back then. Therefore, Jesus most likely had the features of the average black man in America today.

Here’s some other examples that point to prominent Bible characters being black:
- Simeon that was called “Niger.” The Strong’s Hebrew Dictionary (ref# G3526) says this word means “black.” (Act 13:1).
- The Apostle Paul who took the gospel to Rome and wrote most of the New Testament was mistaken for an Egyptian. Once again, Egyptians were a dark-skinned people (Acts 21:37-39).
Based on historical evidence and the Bible itself, I believe most of the people in the Bible were brown-skinned, and or so called black people. That’s shocking isn’t it! But I believe it is the truth. This is why the color of Jesus was whitewashed: to maintain white supremacy and disassociate the African slaves from the Israelites of the Bible.
By the way: Israel is apart of the continent of Africa—East Africa. Men just named apart of East Africa the “Middle East” to separate Israel from Africa and to hide the association between the two. Do your own research, but this video is a good start.

So if Jesus wasn’t a white man, then who are these images of? Well, this one, in particular, we know the origin of, and it ain’t pretty.
What if I told you that was a painting of Cesare Borgia, an incestual, murdering, homosexual who’s father, Rodrigo Borgia, who later became Pope Alexander VI, used paintings of his gay son to represent Jesus Christ? Do the research for yourself.
The bottom line is: the images of Christ were distorted to hide the identity of Christ and the Israelites, and to reinforce white supremacy.
Now, for the final word on the image of Christ:
I am the LORD your God, who has brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. 3 You shall have no other gods before me. 4 You shall not make unto yourself any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: 5 You shall not bow down yourself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me (Exodus 20:2-5).
If you have any of these images in your possession, you must get rid of them (this includes the black depictions of Jesus). God is just not into pictures of himself, not of his son, or the Holy Spirit. He’s not honored by it, he considers it idolatry.
Thanks for the information God bless you
I felt convicted by your referencing Ex 20:4. I never gave it much thought until you referenced it. Thanks, NR.
I tried to recall the prior post to edit but couldn’t locate that function. In short…I’m going to remove the black image of Christ from my wall and mever even considered it to be a form of idolatry. Thanks, NR, for bringing this to my attention.
Glory to God, Peazy! The angels rejoice.
I have to black Jesus pictures on my wall. One with Him knocking on the door with the lantern and the other,the last supper. I feel bad now. But I also feel bad throwing them in the garbage. That feels a bit disrespectful. I wonder how to dispose them.
Hi Ms Jackson,
Jesus was never honored by that image of him on your wall. He despised it. It’s an idol—the very thing Israel kept getting into trouble with God for. He never liked that painting of him, so it wouldn’t be disrespectful to throw it in the trash. I would burn it so no one else finds it and places it on their wall.